Questions for a New Year’s Eve Reflection from incourage
1. What was the single best thing that happened this past year?
Getting a fresh start in our lives.
2. What was the single most challenging thing that happened?
Deciding which teaching opportunity presented suited best my husbands' gifts and talents.
3. What was an unexpected joy this past year?
Not only that moving wasn't as hard as I expected, but seeing my husband loving his new career path was a great joy!
4. What was an unexpected obstacle?
Relearning patience - a new place!
5. Pick three words to describe 2011.
Stressful, hopeful... Fulfillment.
6. What were the best books you read this year?
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, Made to Crave - Satisfying our Deepest Desires with God, not Food by Lysa TerKurst, Ragman by Walter Wangerin Jr., The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd Jones.
7. With whom were your most valuable relationships?
My husband to keep me sane, my children to keep me focused, and two wonderful girlfriends I got to know even better this past year.
8. What was your biggest personal change from January to December of this past year?
Stepping out of that comfort zone.
9. In what way(s) did you grow emotionally?
I learned to rely less on people, and more on God.
10. In what way(s) did you grow spiritually?
Every year seems to bring me closer to Him, especially after trials.
11. In what way(s) did you grow physically?
Through the realization that I am emotionally attached to food, I finally decided it was time to work on it.
12. What was the most enjoyable part of your work (both professionally and at home)?
Teaching (and still teaching) C-note how to read.
13. What was the most challenging part of your work (both professionally and at home)?
Still feeling uprooted, without a home. And with the busyness of a new school year, not having my husband "present" as much as before. Making decisions still is tough for me, as well.
14. What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year?
15. What was the best way you used your time this past year?
Organizing a women's retreat! Learning about and raising two boys.
16. What was biggest thing you learned this past year?
What God has led us through the last couple of years prepared and grew us so that we were ready for a big change.
17. Create a phrase or statement that describes 2011 for you.
Waiting on the Lord may take years, but he always fulfills his promises.