
Ten Months

Our little Strawberry has already reached the ten month mark.  She loves to give hugs but also lets it be known when she doesn't want one from her brothers by protesting loudly.  She doesn't have teeth yet, but is enjoying a variety of "big people" food like oatmeal, bananas, cheese, bread, soups and casseroles.  Her first word is her brother's name - "Aaaashjou, aaaashjou," she calls him when she sees him.  Her second word is Daddy. :)  She enjoys imitating different sounds, and when she hears the word "bath" she grabs the front of her shirt and pulls, trying to get it off so she can take a bath!  She waves "hi" and claps.  She doesn't crawl, rather, she prefers to scoot around on her bum.
 Goofin' around with her brothers.
Watching the birds...hooray, spring has finally arrived!

1 comment:

Marlaine said...

We have low windows too... aren't they just the BEST for babies? Provides so much entertainment!!